I hate to abuse this amazing prayer/thought network, but if you have a spare moment, good thoughts and prayers for my brother’s shoulder surgery late this morning would be very appreciated. I don’t think our family could handle any complications right now! Also appreciated would be thoughts for my dad driving up to SF from Sacramento (EDIT: umm… Mom pointed out I am still on Vicodin because he’s actually driving from BAKERSFIELD, which is much further away) and HUGE thoughts/prayers for PJ’s “second mom,” Bobbie, as she is a candidate for sainthood for driving from Reno to take care of him and bring him to surgery (immediately after throwing an epic wedding for her own son, PJ’s best friend).
Also, if you are local and would like to help with meals, our fantabulous doulas have posted a link in the guestbook where you can sign up to help. Thank you and we love you all!