baby, cancer, Caring Bridge, family, friends, gratitude, happiness, pregnancy, support, surgery, work
ENT pre-op surgical consult was good. I went with one of our super awesome doulas from the Boulder Doula Circle, which was great because Peter couldn’t go with me and going by myself was just not an option. We survived the insane weather and flooded highways just fine, which was good.
At the appointment itself, I didn’t learn too much new, other than specifics of things I had guessed, and that I will be an excellent double for Frankenstein, as I will have a huge “curvilinear” incision going from in front of my ear, down and behind my ear, down my neck and then across my neck and down again. Closed with staples. Mmm… Oh, and also, two fairly large drains will be inserted somewhere in there as well (about the diameter of a pretty large, fancy pen). So, if you have professed a desire to visit me in the hospital, but are squeamish, feel free to delay your visit until after I get the staples out and I’m recovering at home. I promise I’ll be just as glad to see you. More so, actually, than if you had come to the hospital and made a funny face at me 🙂
Better than that, by far, was the work shower I had today at lunch. Awesome food, and amazing gifts. It was overwhelming (but I manage to pretty much hold it together and only got teary once when I really thought about how incredible this outpouring of love was.)
The ‘rents flew in this evening, and my dad got to see and feel my belly for the first time. Sucks that it had to be because of this, but at least he got that experience.
Ok, to bed! Possibly more tomorrow, but I might be busy getting ready for my week-long hospital/spa vacation. (Written hurriedly on my iPad, not proofed at all. Please forgive typos.)