Everything is wet here. The mountains are crumbling down and everything is water. We are utterly, totally fine, not even a leak or a washed out garden, but so many others we know are not. Some have to replace carpets in basements, some have lost everything. We are so, so lucky. Really. It was only luck that this didn’t happen a year ago, when we would have been stranded in an island apartment with a small baby/toddler and no hot water (then no water at all). Only luck that it didn’t happen 4 years ago, when we would have housed the evacuees from the apartments below ours, and likely lost our car as well.
I’d like to try to get back into writing here again. Summer was full of gardening, canning, sewing, trips, playing, and just trying to keep up with Emmie. She is such a fun little person now; I really want to document some of the fun things she is saying and share more of who she is these days with everyone who has followed us through our journey.
As I need to get to bed, here are some little things I want to remember:
Emmie and I were in the car and I was trying to distract her from something, so I asked her about who she loved.
Me: Do you love Mama? Emmie: Yes! Me: Do you love Daddy? E: Yes! Me: Do you love Jasper? E: Yes. Me: Do you love Oma? E: Yeeeees. Me: Do you love Opa? E: Yes. Me: Do you love Bapa? E: Yeah. Me: Do you love Gigi? E: Yesssss. Me: Do you love Uncle PJ? E: Yes. Me: Do you love Uncle Eric? E: Yes. Me: Do you love Aunt Arwen? E: Yes! Me: Do you love Uncle Aaryn? E: Yes. (Etc for probably 10 more people) Me: Do you love Baby Sam? E: Yes. Emmie yuv too many people. A few days later, I couldn’t help myself and tried this experiment again. Me: Do you love Mama? Emmie: Yes! Me: Do you love Daddy? E: Yes! Me: Do you love Jasper? E: Yes. Me: Do you love Bapa? E: Yeah. Me: Do you love Gigi? E: Yes. Me: Do you love Oma? E: Yes. Me: Do you love Opa? E: Yes. (She didn’t let me get as far this time and cut me off about here) E: Emmie yuv no more people.
Random things: Emmie calls an umbrella a “rainbrella” and a tomato a “taymo.” She has just started saying “Go ahead,” like “Go ahead and sit here,” only she hasn’t figured out how exactly to use it yet. She wanted me to go get her a book, and when I didn’t immediately jump up and get it, she said “Go ‘head, Mama! Go ‘head get my book” with the sweetest, most condescending smile you can imagine on a two-year-old face.
I’m going to post a video of Emmie talking so you can get a sense of what she is like these days, but it might take a while to upload, so here is a picture to tide you over.