First, my little mole I had removed was just that– a harmless mole. Yay!
I think I was extra worried about it because we are in the process of making such a big commitment with buying a house. Somehow it feels very different than when we bought our condo. Maybe because we are hoping that this will be our “forever house.” (This is extra crazy for me, since growing up, we moved pretty much every 3 years for my dad’s job, so the idea of staying in one place for so long is at once terrifying and thrilling).
All I want to do is talk about this incredible, amazing house, but I don’t want to jinx it, so the gushing will have to wait until everything is signed and we have the keys in our hand. Our inspection is tomorrow, so please send good juju that all goes perfectly well!
More importantly, today is Melanoma Monday. Remember to slip, slop, slap.
Slip on a shirt, slop on the sunscreen, slap on a hat, seek shade, slide on some sunglasses.
Be sun safe this summer! Pale IS beautiful!
For my friends with darker skin: this applies to you too, even more so! Melanoma is even more deadly for people with darker skin because it’s usually more advanced. Please watch for any changes in your skin! I love you all and want to keep you around 🙂