Shannon is up and sitting in a chair. She has had some applesauce and pudding and keeping it down. Morphine every hour and a half or so to stay on top of the pain. They have been monitoring baby every four hours overnight. She’s doing great. Daily monitoring from here on out. They’re going to keep Shannon in the ICU for at least another day on doctors orders. Baby is moving almost constantly. Probably getting pretty hungry. Shannon is moving her shoulder pretty well so that bodes well for the integrity of the spinal accessory nerve. They’re allowing me pretty much full access. Jack and Gretchen should be here shortly. Probably no visitors yet, but maybe by Monday. Monitoring baby right now. She’s kicking the monitors off. Shannon’s having some pudding too. She had a slight drop in blood pressure/blood sugar. They think because baby is needing the food. Everything is fine right now.