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Shannon has been able to get up and move around a bit today. Her ENT even came in on his day off and checked in on her and looked over her charts for a while. He wants her to stay in the ICU for one more night and then she’ll be able to move to a bigger room in antepartum. Morphine every two hours or so. Hoping to transition to Vicodin tomorrow. She’s enjoying a Jamba Juice smoothie right now. Baby has been extremely active. So much that she is preventing Shannon from resting sometimes. She’s passed all her tests with flying colors and they’re down to only monitoring baby once a day. The doctor says Shannon should be OK to try a traditional delivery in two to three weeks, so hopefully the four to five that we have will be plenty for her to feel good and be able to focus on the next big event. She loves all the messages that everyone has been leaving and has me read the new ones to her several times a day. We are hiding from the nurses during shift change (when there are not visiting hours). As long as we’re quiet we think they’ll let us stay with Shannon. She’s been getting some soft foods down and seems to have a decent range of motion already in her shoulder and face (just not the neck right now).