13 Months
Dearest Emmie, You are blossoming into a funny, sweet and sparkling little girl and I love it. Every day you …
Dearest Emmie, You are blossoming into a funny, sweet and sparkling little girl and I love it. Every day you …
My dearest, darling, Big-Girl Emmie, You are one! One whole year old! No words can express how proud I am …
Dearest, darling Emmie, This was a month full of firsts. We finally (FINALLY) saw/felt your first tooth, you signed your …
Dearest Emmie, Man oh man, has this ever been a month! I can’t even believe that last month you were …
Dearest Emmie, You’ve done it. You’ve turned that corner of Mobility, and now nothing can stop you. The world is …